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Why others think Christian is suck?
Why others think Christian is Suck?
We may think they will answer like these:
- Have more than one God, believes in many saints,
- Bring sacrifices,
- They are anti-homosexual, in other words intolerant,
- Judgmental,
- Hypocritical,
- Too much freedom in life.
Well, when it is comes from unchristian believers, all we have to do is just accepting it.
Would you hear what Christians people answers to that same question?
Here some pictures that might help to understand their answers:
- Walking into the church reeking of cigarette smoke would result in assumptions and judgments about the sincerity of one's devotion.
- You should go home and clean yourself up before you come to church.
- You are a church leader and have a responsibility to not hurt someone else's witness.
- "Of one hundred men, one will read the Bible; the ninety-nine will read the Christian."
- "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle"
- "Christians, like physicians, should vow to do no harm. But forgive us, Lord. Because we do."
- It's so easy to feel superior when we know that God's grace is available to us. Yet it is so easy for us to forget that that same grace applies to everyone.
- Christians have become so me-me-me instead of you-you-you.
As a member of those who live in a fishbowl, I should say that all their answer is correct for me.
I experience how they expect more, and more.
I could tell how they are me, me, me and I first product.
I can confess how one person thank God of what had happen on to him, but not expect it also will happen to others.
And the illogical things is, for them church is so holy. That's why it is only for those who are holy can enter.
Nevertheless, I found one Christian symbolize himself as a pithiest little creature in this world because he is the follower of Christ. And be the unfortunate one just because he has decided himself to teach what Jesus had thought.
In my own view for the answers of why they think Christian is suck, Christian is Christ followers. It's not the matter of Christ, but the followers.
These causes make them not believe in Him instead.
It's His followers that give it a bad color.
Both Christian and non Christian knows that only Jesus in this world was born by the Holy Spirit. He is the son of God, and He is God.
He teaches the way of perfect living and show the way to heaven. He is the one and only way. No one argue that.
It's not the matter of Christ. It's never about Jesus.
Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)
- erick's blog
- 3537 reads
Jesus Freaks,
"Live X4J, die as a martyr"
Jesus Freaks,
"Live X4J, Die As A Martyr"
Pertanyaan buat rio@poenya
Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)
jawaban untuk eric
Dear eric....
kenapa istiriku dan keluarganya membenci kristus/kristen?
Eric ....saudaraku, kalo kamu jadi aku tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi. Hampir setiap hari Istriku menghujat Kristus dan menginjak-injak Alkitab. Tapi aku percaya semua itu ada balasannya. Doakannya...Roh Kudus memberikan jalan buat aku dan hikmat seperti Salomo untuk menyadarkan mereka bahwa Yesus adalah Juru Selamat mereka
Persepsi yang salah
1. Berasal dari sebuah suku yang berada di daerah barat sedikit memiliki kisa mengapa mereka membenci kekristenan, yang banyak dianut oleh mereka yang tinggal di Sumatra bagian utara. Karena (becanda) orang dibagian utara itu bertatakrama kasar dan konon dipercaya pemakan manusia ha ha ha!!!
Sesungguhnya sih bukan begitu, mereka melihat apa yang ada pada diri orang kristen adalah seenak udel, tanpa aturan. Dikasih Tuhan 7 hari, yang dipakai untuk menyembah Tuhan hanya hari ke7, hari istirahat, itu juga cuma 2 jam. sedang mereka,......
2. Bagi saya, bila istri anda menganggap agamanya paling benar, saya sebagai orang kristen akan punya keyakinan yang sama terhadap agama saya. Ini sangat lazim.
3. Saya bisa maklum. mereka mengatakan kristen adalah orang-orang kafir yang merupakan musuh Muhammad, mungkin karena tidak bersunat, tidak pernah meminta maaf pada hari raya (begitu sombong hanya mengaku salah kepada Tuhan, tidak meminta maaf pada sesama), tidak pernah menjalankan puasa, atau pembersihan diri, dan banyak lagi lainya.
4. Aneh yah, mengapa mereka tidak berfikir Agama Kristen juga merupakan Agama yang langsung dari Tuhan?
Rio, saya bergumul dan janji tidak akan mau menempati posisi kamu (So Help me God).
Oh iya, ada pertanyaan nyembul tiba-tiba...., Kamu akan bertahan berapa lama?
Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)
Rio dan keluarganya . . . . . "
Dear Rio,
Membaca ceritamu, hatiku jadi miris, meski aku tidak punya cara untuk menolongmu, tapi percayalah akan kubantu berdoa, supaya kamu cukup kuat bertahan dengan dikaruniai kesabaran yang tinggi untuk membawa damai sejahtera dan sukacita bagi keluargamu.
Ayolah saudara2 semua mari kita bantu doa, karena doa yang dinaikkan secara bersama-sama dengan sepenuh hati akan sangat besar kuasanya, sehingga bisa melembutkan hati sekeras apapun.
Tuhan Memberkati kamu dan keluargamu Rio"
@ Rio, Ingin lebih menulis dengan santun
Mendoakan Rio, keinginannya dan keluarganya.
Rio, gw pengen bgt nulis lebih santun dari apa yang akan gw tulis, ga ada maksud jahat nieh,
1. Kalau kamu pernah pindah agama, hukum pertama dan utama yang diajar kan Yesus telah kamu langgar.
2. Satu dari sepuluh hukum musa, yaitu hukum ke 4 sudah terlanggar.
Kembali lah segera ke Allahmu, karena Ia sedang menunggu. Ketika kamu dipelukaannya, baru kamu bisa meletakkan bebanmu yang kamu pikul saat ini.
Saya berfikir demikian. Tidak akan ada banyak hal akan berubah, jika beban itu tetap kamu pikul, dan meminta pertolongan dengan berteriak menggambarkan bagaimana beban tersebut sungguh berat.
Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)
doakan saja terus....
gkmin.net -salatiga-jawa tengah
gkmin.net -salatiga-jawa tengah
@rio : jangan-jangan kamu salah berdoa ?
Jesus Freaks,
"Live X4J, die as a martyr"
Jesus Freaks,
"Live X4J, Die As A Martyr"
doakan saja terus....
gkmin.net -salatiga-jawa tengah
gkmin.net -salatiga-jawa tengah
Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)
Jesus Freaks,
"Live X4J, die as a martyr"
Jesus Freaks,
"Live X4J, Die As A Martyr"