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A Letter To God

teograce's picture



Dear God,


New year, new hope, new plan

But the same You..

Old brand new You..


You'd be there, right?

Like always..

Holding my hands, and watch my every step..



That's what in my thoughts right now.. Fear.. because i can't see what's in front of me..



That's what in my thoughts right now.. Worry.. because i'm afraid my plans is not aligned with Yours..


Walking with You is like riding a roller coaster.. Sometimes it makes me wants to scream and cry.. But i know, you want to teach me more about faith.. So, God, let Your will be done.. instead of mine.. this year, just like the year before.. no matter how much pain it costs.. cause i know, You love me, and You hold my hands.. and all things work for God..


just forgive me God, if i'm angry with You.. because i'm only human.. i can't understand Your ways..


give me the strength, to face this year..


bless my every plan, God.. for i have put them in Your hands..


help me with everything.. cause i cannot do anything without You..



warmest hug,










-Faith is trusting God, though you see impossibility-

smile's picture


Selamat Tahun Baru Teograce..

Mungkin anda lupa kalo letter to God...harus dikirim ke alamat jelas,...coba cari alamatnya,..kalo tidak salah, kirim ke 777 deh,...Smile



"I love You Christ, even though sometimes I do not like Christians who do not like You include me, but because you love me, so I also love them"

Veritas's picture

@smile,Macam betul aja 777


Macam betul aja 777 wakakakaka...


Curahan hati yang tulus (dari perspektif saya). Semoga ada malaikat yang suka nongkrongin SS dan lapor ke Bozz-nya :)


Quid Est Veritas Kata seorang bajingan bernama PILATUS


smile's picture


ya kalo salah coba yang lain bro,.wakaka...kalo pake hape ya harus ada nomor jelas, misalna 777...kalo lewat pos itu pernah difilmkan...seru,..filmuya bukan yang berjudul Letter to God yang pernah ditulis oelh Yenti...

tapi yang lain...cari deh,..nonton..keren dan menginspirasi,...bagus ditonton untuk menyambut tahun baru 2011...bro,...


"I love You Christ, even though sometimes I do not like Christians who do not like You include me, but because you love me, so I also love them"