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My Little Secret
Amber colored dusk like candy in the beautiful far of distance
and endless night freezing into my frost..
First love was rediscovered by us...
Expecting you also feel same thing in the fantasy
Firefly on my window is like beautiful chapter, that flutter about in my poem...
and i continue to write my eternal love for you..
I use a few lines to describe whos you are..
Your smile deflect my sorrow..
Persue me with glance in my lonelyness..
I see far to nightsky, the image of you drifting in the wind..
and moment i see into pool, never leave me alone with my reflection in the water
You turn your figure but still beautiful..and leave me in the night with stars..
Even the pale white crescent moon hook back to the past and left place of tears..
I will be waiting your incarnation..
Defeating rose and chrysantemum, charming than peony and peach flower
You are the Jasmine, seven mile fragrance....
My dear is waned and sallow
I play a bamboo flute song of nature
Sitting at the riverside seeing water emiting a stream of the river
at moment i thinkin of you under the sunset
teasing in the beauty, your bent eyes so fine as transparent water.
your lip is red as plum of guangxi, is like brilliant picked strawberry..
when the wind blowing with softly to your face,that's vexed me
Who has been made old by my waiting, love become immaculate underneath the moonlight.
Rains falling down with smoothly to wet your hair and if light touch that...so wondering as snowhair
beautifully chilling the parting, your supple walk...your violent smile..
as a wild rose..could destroy mountain of love and to settle the coral stone.
Lets the season continue to rotate...lets the storm dancing in the night.
I just want aside u as dragon and phoenix..turn to the sky..chase one each other.
Love never end...its possible make stars be smile and cloud couldnt see cause to be shame
my whises hold your hand...walking at snowfield together
to see our world...and be my goddess forever.
Nothern wind gush and night still young
I unable to shake off your shadow....
Felling that once were hidden nows expresed to you
That day i saw you....i using a shield on my heart to kept it cold..
but your sword of deity's make it break into million piece.
The breeze by the river is blowing your hair swaying....
then when i see it i dont have ability to defend...
I want to take you to the beach...
watching the sunset together until we fall asleep..
to take you to bike riding as classic love story
seeing the night town and laugh together...
and dreams you're leaning on my shoulder...
just like this kind of love thats i want...
innocent without sadness and simple without pain..
Its true..
First time i looked into your eyes, each breath become a thousand sight
My heart drummed out a thunder beat..
I glowed with joy from to feet
Your hand had touched my soul as little bell began to toll..
I gently smile and quietly admire, i belive in you..
Did'nt you know..heaven missing an angel cause you're here
with me..
girl..i hope iam not a qualify..
cause for a reason i was born...
born to love you.
Somethings can never be taught is feeling of expressing,
the wrong love is little nasty and i don't regret knowing about you..
Tender orchid leaves in spring..
The cinnamon blossom bright in autum and sunlight was my homeward escort
I looking back and i saw my path..
You leave me a shadow by sweet smile...
I just like a soldier, which my destiny is in your hand..
Empire so wide and you are golden flower inside the kingdom
You're missing treasure which all of prince would be searching of..
The love songs not beautiful as your voice..
and your word as night symphony
will you miss me...miss me in my lonelyness...
All i ever wanted was to be part of your heart..
and for us to be together to never be apart...
Sometimes at night, when i look to the sky...
I start thinking of you and ask to myself..
Why do i love you?..i think and smile
The whisper of your voice, the warmth of your touch..
and so many little things that make me love you...
Sweet fragrance of peppremint coloured grass is sharpless like wind
Longing and shadow were both streched long in evening
I've made my mind is clear but you always there...
you know..i dont't even want to break up cause you're my future dreams..
My adorable...
I love you than you do..
You are the smile on my face, the twinkle in my eyes..
The warm inside my heart and fullness in my life
Time is the answer maybe..
I take deep a breath, fear you'll forgetting..
fears forgetting about us..
Rain is fall the whole night, and my love overflow just like rainwater..
Staying silent does not come so fast, and i knew taking a decision is not so easy
Dear...if oneday you're already gone far away, i will slowly walk away..
just remember someone had ever loved you....
love you til my final breath...
You're the tears of my heart, i will to give you up
because i love you so much..
Please..dont leave..my heart is really hurt
Once i have some freetime, i will say this for you..
If i think of you eagerly and i love you..
There will be voice between the souls...
Did you hear it..
I belive in fate, i wish oneday we will be reunited, cause i belive in fate
A pinning thats even deeper than a wound..
I miss you terribly..
Your scent floated on the sky...
remind me of the night, that i have forgotten..
If i have other live will you be my lover once again...
I cant forget you..cause my love for you are not a year
but a thousand years...before you leave just please...
hold me tight..till my tear is dry......
Nb: This poem i made by myself, inspire by love and my past of sorrow.
(sorry if my english so bad:) )
Cinta pertama selalu sulit untuk dilupakan namun indah untuk dikenang
meskipun harus berakhir dengan patah hati.
- GODARMY's blog
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- 4956 reads
@godarmy;nah ini refotnya...
Ini refotnya punya first love lalu patah hati & kadang-kadang bisa benar-2 painful...jadi harus gimana ya?
(The proof of the pudding is in the eating)
(The proof of the pudding is in the eating)
Cinta pertama ...
Haruskah pacar pertama?
Karena kita sungguh berharga bagi-Nya dan Dia mengasihi kita.
yah memang tergantung..
yah memang tergantung seberapa dekatnya hub.itu sih...makin dekat makin sakit kalo pisah..:)
Tapi sejujurnya saya gak pernah rasain yang begitu sih.....
(The proof of the pudding is in the eating)
(The proof of the pudding is in the eating)
mungkin tidak harus, yg tidak bisa lupa orangnya:D
ground :D
ground:D kata orang lebih baik patah tulang(kraak) daripada patah
Enak gitu patah Tulang..
gak ada mendingna.. sepertinya.. lebih sengsara lagi udah patah Tulang.. patah Hati pula.. gimana coba rasanya...
Karena kita sungguh berharga bagi-Nya dan Dia mengasihi kita.
hahaha...sama-sama gak enaklah:D
@God Army
Cinta pertama gue tk kecil brooo...
Hanya ingin belajar dan menjadi benar, itu saja.
"I love You Christ, even though sometimes I do not like Christians who do not like You include me, but because you love me, so I also love them"
astagaa kamu falling in lv sejak tk
....lebih hebat dari crayon shincan dong:D:D:D
LAngsung 3 sekaligus
itu aja langsung 3 orang....bro...yang satu cabi...yang satu tinggi, yang satu lagi sama tinggi...keren yah....jika berandai andai diulang kembali, Saya mau pacaran sekali langsung nikah,..jadi masih putih seputih melati, ga belang belang kayak dalmatian..( TOTOL TOTOL,...)
Hanya ingin belajar dan menjadi benar, itu saja.
"I love You Christ, even though sometimes I do not like Christians who do not like You include me, but because you love me, so I also love them"
Seputih melati bagai mentari pagi indah bersemi mengundang rindu dalam menanti...smile banyak amat sih bro, kamu mo jadi pangeran menjangan ya biar bervariasi hahah...:D, dulu cewku tuh judes minta ampun:'(, tapi kalo sekali ngomong kalem bisa bikin pingsan 7hari soalnya langka, smile aku jg berandai-andai, kalo kamu ngomong soal nikah dan cinta aku kategorikan 3 macam:
1. love is blind, 2.cinta murni.3.cinta yg pintar
1)tentang nikah/pacaran ini yg aku maksud jika sang doi seperti jaman silat dulu, mau diajak tinggal meski di gubuk/kemping dan merantau kemana-mana, tanpa banyak menuntut materi yg penting berduaan, meski cuma makan tempe doang pagi, siang malem, bila perlu ngirit mancing di sungai ato berburu di hutan buat lauk hidup sehari-hari wakaka..:D ini= love is blind, tapi sepertinya jaman sekarang cew seperti ini sudah langka.
2)Cinta murni jika sang doi mau mengerti keadaanmu, bagaimanapun juga mau ikut kamu senang dan susah, meski mulai hidup sangat sederhana dan indekost/ngontrak rumah yg penting berjuang bersama dalam hidup, jika kelak berhasilpun bisa dinikmati bersama.
3)Cinta yg pintar(bukan matree), jika doi benar-benar cinta sama kamu tetapi khawatir akan masa depan dan saat kamu melamarnya, maka dia akan menyodorkan kertas dengan rincian misal:
1-beli rumah untuk tinggal tetap plus/min 70.000.000
2-alat transportasi minim sepeda motor buat jalan-jalan dll plus/min bekas 8.000.000
3-ngisi perabotan rumah plus/min 10.000.000(anggap saja semua termasuk biaya nikah 100.000.000)
nah kamu tinggal pilih kalo mo nikah, pilih kategori yg mana buat masa depanmu nanti?
tapi kalo kamu punya prinsip cari yg matang dan sebotol penuh ya cepetan cari deh bro , mau tunggu yg super matang ya kamu keburu jenggotan semeter baru nikah hahahaha...:D.
Nb: aku gak ngomongin cew ss lo ya:D disini semua pengertian kok...:D:D:D:D:D.
duh internet beberapa hari lelet:(
1. love is blind, 2.cinta murni.3.cinta yg pintar
1)tentang nikah/pacaran ini yg aku maksud jika sang doi seperti jaman silat dulu, mau diajak tinggal meski di gubuk/kemping dan merantau kemana-mana, tanpa banyak menuntut materi yg penting berduaan, meski cuma makan tempe doang pagi, siang malem, bila perlu ngirit mancing di sungai ato berburu di hutan buat lauk hidup sehari-hari wakaka..:D ini= love is blind, tapi sepertinya jaman sekarang cew seperti ini sudah langka.(mungkin carinya kudu dipedalaman ,..seperti pedalaman Vietnam, pedalaman China,...atau di Irian jaya, bro...tapi kalo sampe dapet,..itu namanya ketiban rejeki yang luarbiasa....)
2)Cinta murni jika sang doi mau mengerti keadaanmu, bagaimanapun juga mau ikut kamu senang dan susah, meski mulai hidup sangat sederhana dan indekost/ngontrak rumah yg penting berjuang bersama dalam hidup, jika kelak berhasilpun bisa dinikmati bersama.(Wah yang ini juga nyarinya sama bro, kudu dikampung, dusun dan lembah, yang penghuninya sedikit...ga tau yang no2 ini juga masih ada ga yah? mungkin udah langka juga)
3)Cinta yg pintar(bukan matree), jika doi benar-benar cinta sama kamu tetapi khawatir akan masa depan dan saat kamu melamarnya, maka dia akan menyodorkan kertas dengan rincian misal:1-beli rumah untuk tinggal tetap plus/min 70.000.000
2-alat transportasi minim sepeda motor buat jalan-jalan dll plus/min bekas 8.000.000
3-ngisi perabotan rumah plus/min 10.000.000(anggap saja semua termasuk biaya nikah 100.000.000 kalo yang ketiga ini, judulnya KAWIN KONTRAK...nonton belon filmnya brow?)
Hanya ingin belajar dan menjadi benar, itu saja.
"I love You Christ, even though sometimes I do not like Christians who do not like You include me, but because you love me, so I also love them"
kalo gitu yg penting sama-sama sukalah kata ko hai namanya juga usaha:D
magdalene makasih dah mampir :), maksud kamu judul dreams dan leave ato gimana?, kok kamu suka yg leave sih:D, kalo bisa jangan leave ah, kan ga enak maksudku gitu:), kalo kamu mo tau lebih jauh coba klik aja
sinibarangkali kamu suka:)
akhir kata buat kamu:
Waktu tak pernah kembali
Masa lalu hanya sebuah bayang-bayang
Kenangan itu tiada guna
Impian dan masa depan selalu ada...
Airmatamu lebih berharga dari sepasang mutiara
Menikmati hidup itu lebih baik
Gembiralah selagi kamu dapat...
Sbab senyum seorang gadis bagai dandelion di tengah padang
yang memberi keindahan dan warna...
walau hatinya penuh derita....;)
silly ^^
leony ma cheryl gw lg promo:D
leony ma cheryl andaikata mo daftar kopdar klik sini ya, cepetan klewer special edition , banyak pangeran berkuda putih lo yang dateng. hahaha......
Duh kalian kul kan libur, aku kerja ga ada libur :D, sapa tau aja habis kopdar nemu happy ending kuda putih kek ini :D wakakka...:P, gantian dong biasanya gua jadi sasaran hahah...
hiya i think who she is......long tym no see, thats your name?:P:D
loves doesn't so easy as you think, and what can i do, just say like this:
A big rainfall trap me here...
Your cold expression will make me sorrowful
The rain of june is heartless you...
Accompanying the drips and drops hurting in my heart...
I don't believe
that you didn't do it intentionally
but why did you abandon me, in the wind and rain
I can't bear to, and dont want to betray you
I can only silently wait for you to change your mind..
I didn't give up and i'm not going to leave you..
Even if we separate...
I will still be waiting for you...
with a whole heart...
I wait for any news of you..
there will finally be oneday, when you will believe me..
I love you, one rainfall missing you..
in my heart there is nothing that can compare after you left...
Everything have disappeared in the wind and rain.
mei feng-feng yu-yu, ye bu shi sa, shi zhen...
woaita..:'(, wo xiang ta :'(....wei shenme :'(
hahahaha...Lol :P
NB:greeting for your bro, me off , I ve job bye c ya :)