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Yohanes Paulus's picture

Siapakah Kekasih Allah??

Kita sudah banyak kali mendengar perintah mengasihi Allah. Sialnya lagi, perintah ini disusul perintah kedua yg juga sama absurdnya: mengasihi sesama manusia seperti diri sendiri. Gimana mau mengasihi orang lain, lha wong ma diri sendiri aja kaga sayang huahahahaha.

Onekhesi Zega's picture

Do You Love Me?


Walter Hughes (1890 - 1975), seorang penginjil dan pengajar Alkitab di Ilderton, Ontario, Canada, juga pernah menggembalakan di Forward Baptist Church di Toronto, menulis:

"When you have been saved, regenerated, born again, then join a church-a live church. Join where the preacher loves the Word of God and the souls of men. Keep out of these ecclesiastical deep freezers. A deep freeze is all right for a dead chicken or a chunk of cheese or a leg of lamb, but it is no place for a live baby. A baby must be fed and nourished and given a chance to exercise, vocalize and grow. It couldn't do that in a refrigerator."  (http://www.swordofthelord.com/biographies/HughesWalter.htm)