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Judges 19 This is not a love story.

erick's picture

Most Christian just believes that Love is what Bible all about.

Guys, I show you one thing that Bible it self asking you to think about it, consider it and tell us what to do.

The story is about a Levite and His concubine.

A Levite is a member of the tribe of Levi. The Levites took care of the temple. Only Levites could become priests, but not all Levites were priest.

Judges 19 1-4 draw us about the situation in Israel. In those days Israel had no king. It means there were no rulers. No rules at all. Not in the city, not also in the remote area.

A Levite has a concubine. This Levite has problem. His concubine was unfaithful, and left him. She went back to her father house. After 4 months, our Levi has a desire to win her heart back again, so he traveled long way complete with him his servant and two donkeys.

Well, a concubine, as everyone knows, nothing more than a servant. Has no right in the household, her son will heir nothing.  But to win her heart, our Levi brought with him a servant and two donkeys.

An exaggerate thing happen here. She took him to his father, and her father gladly welcomed him. A wired situation! A lovely father whom his daughter only becomes a concubine, back to his father home alone, but then open his doorstep to a stranger, to someone who ever hurt his apple eye’s heart. Not just that, he gave him a free meal, a free lodging. TOUTE EST GRATUITE!

Judges 19 5-10 is a description about how well a man treated a Levi. 

Bible and his ancestor gave him a good example how to treat those who work for God, or even just for those who work for God’s house. Well, if it not, this man really has good heart to his “sons in low”.

Judges 19 11-15 What a wild world outside home. Can someone imagine a contrarily of a life of a Levite whose everyday just working in the temple in a serene ambiance, facing a wild life outside of his comfort zone?

“No, we won’t go into an alien city, whose people are not Israelites. We will go on to Gibeah.” He said.

This man is really complicated! He wore a figure of a Levite, but too bad, no one took them into his home for the night.

Wait for the second part…

Judges 19 16-20. Mask.

Judges 19 20-24. What father offered his daughter to Libertines, and why?



Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)

NoSID's picture

Horror Pisan nih Rick!!

ya... ya Brother Erick, cerita tersebut memang horor, dan juga menggambarkan kebejatan suku Benyamin yang akhirnya memicu perang saudara memang susah ya.. masalah tidak ada raja tersebut Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes. ---- orang yeng menginap adalah orang Lewi walau sang orangtua menawarkan putrinya, tapi para Benjaminers tidak mau, akhirnya orang Lewi tersebut terpaksa memberi selirnya Judges 19:23 And the man, the master of the house, went out unto them, and said unto them, Nay, my brethren, nay, I pray you, do not so wickedly; seeing that this man is come into mine house, do not this folly. 19:24 Behold, here is my daughter a maiden, and his concubine; them I will bring out now, and humble ye them, and do with them what seemeth good unto you: but unto this man do not so vile a thing. sukar dipercaya, orangtua tersebut menawarkan anaknya sendiri demi keselamatan tamu asingnya, walau tidak jadi (thank God) fiuh... tapi perkosaannya mungkin sungguh sadis sampai dikatakan begini Judges 19:29 And when he was come into his house, he took a knife, and laid hold on his concubine, and divided her, together with her bones, into twelve pieces, and sent her into all the coasts of Israel. 19:30 And it was so, that all that saw it said, There was no such deed done nor seen from the day that the children of Israel came up out of the land of Egypt unto this day: consider of it, take advice, and speak your minds. ----- nah Brother Erik kisah ini sungguh Ironis sekali Kenapa?? karena orangtua itu bukan orang Israel, tapi tinggal di Komunitas orang Israel(suku benyamin) padahal orang Lewi tersebut pada awalnya menolak singgah bermalam di kota bukan orang Israel wow.. sungguh luar biasa apa yang orangtua tersebut perbuat pertanyaan anda What father offered his daughter to Libertines, and why? waduh saya bingung terjemahannya nih maksudnya apa ya??, 1.Ayah siapa(Whose Father) 2.Atau apa yang orangtua itu tawarkan(hadiah kali) pada putrinya supaya sang orang asing selamat( what father offered TO his daughter to libertines) jawaba(coba): sang orangtua tidak menawarkan hadiah apa-apa buat putrinya walaupun dia berkorban buat sang Lewi nah versi lain why?, kalo gak salah nangkep maksudnya mengapa sang Ayah tega menawarkan putrinya?? demi tamu asingnya wah berat nih, saya juga mikir apa zaman sekarang masih ada orang macam begini saya juga belum mengerti kenapa Ayah selir tersebut ngajak nginep terus ya?? fiuh... sungguh cerita yang sangat dramatis Thx Erick Shallom4Ever
erick's picture

Tunggu selanjutnya

WhuAH!!!!, jangan dikupas abis dulu dong......, tunggu sebentar yah.....,

It's for valentine reading, and it il will be tomorrow.



Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)

erick's picture


Pertanyaanmu, kejawab tuh di Judges 19 part 2.  

Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)