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Prayer of confession

erick's picture
God of power, You have sent the Spirit of love,
Forgive us all the times we put conditions on our love
You have sent the Spirit of joy
Forgive us all the times we are disagreeable and unwelcome witnesses.
You have sent the Spirit of peace
Forgive us all the times our words and actions contribute towards conflict and division
You have sent the Spirit of patience
Forgive us all the times we worry because we do not see instant results to prayer
You have sent the Spirit of kindness
Forgive us all the times we have neglected people's needs
You have sent the Spirit of goodness
Forgive us all the times we have willfully or thoughtlessly caused pain by our words or actions
You have sent the Spirit of faithfulness
Forgive us all the times our discipleship has lacked credibility
You have sent the Spirit of gentleness
Forgive us all the times we have been aggressive in our attitude towards others
You have sent the Spirit of self-control
Forgive us all the times we have hurt others by careless manner
Gracious and merciful God, grant us your forgiveness and your love that we may truly care for one another
Refresh and renew us with your Spirit so that we can be fruitful and vital disciples of Jesus Christ.

Lord, when I have a hammer like YOU, every problem becomes a nail. =)